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Hotel Azul 

Šuceva ulica 27, Kranj
Willkommen beim Hotel Azul!
On 3 sides it is surrounded with grass fields and farm fields which extend into woods. From west to east there is a beautiful view of mountains. There are a few skiing resorts in the 10 km - 30 km radius and in the warmer months there is plenty of opportunity for summer sports like hiking, mountain climbing, cycling, mountain biking, paragliding, golf and other nature related recreation activities.

Hotel Azul has conference room capabilities and is 15 min drive away from capital city Ljubljana making it a convenient location to do business.


  • Klimaanlage
  • Bar
  • Konferenz- und Veranstaltungsräume
  • Behindertengerechte Zimmer
  • Rauchen nicht erlaubt
  • Parken
  • Zimmerservice
  • Internetzugang


  • Klimaanlage
  • Balkon
  • Minibar
  • Telefon
  • Hotelsafe
  • TV
  • Badezimmer
  • Internetzugang
Daten & Personen
AnreiseDaten hinzufügen
Zimmeranzahl: 25
Bettenanzahl: 64


  • 4,8 km
  • 1,5 km
  • 0,5 km
  • 14 km
  • 2 km
  • 2 km

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By clicking on "Book a Room" button you will enter on-line reservation process, where you will be able to select and book a room.
This option is available only with 'instant confirmation hotels', your reservation shall be confirmed immediately once you have completed the reservation process: the confirmation letter will be printed out on your screen as soon as you make your reservation successfully.
This option is not available, when there are no rooms available for booking at the very moment of your search.
By clicking on "Send Inquiry" button you will be able to make reservation inquiry to the selected hotel.
Upon your inquiry, the hotel shall be notified about your request / inquiry by e-mail. Your reservation will then be confirmed as soon as the hotel responds to your inquiry. This usually takes less than 24 hours.
This option may not be available with 'instant confirmation hotels', when there are rooms available for booking at the very moment of your search.
On line booking service for the selected hotel is provided through external supplier.

By clicking on "Book a Room" button you will enter on-line reservation process, where you will be able to select and book a room.

Typically, most lodging reservations are made in real time and your confirmation should only take a few seconds. You will be notified of the status of your reservation within 2 to 4 hours.