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Hotel Pok 

Podpeška cesta 3, Brezovica pri Ljubljani
Na stičišču starodavnih transportnih poti, zgodovine, utripa lokalnega in pristnega domačega v naš hotel vabimo vse, ki ljubite umetnost, spoštujete tradicijo in radi vstopate v avtentične svetove lokalnih identitet. Pri nas živijo zgodbe preteklosti in ljubezen do avtentičnega v vseh pogledih. Dobrodošli v naš heritage boutique hotel Pok!
Kaj vam je ljubše: romantika, pretresljiva zgodovina, stari običaji, prisotnost energije veljakov, ki so v naših sobah bivali pred nami? Interier vsake naše sobe vas popelje v svoj svet. Velbani ali originalno rezljan strop, 200 let stare poslikave, lesene borove obloge, mogočni leseni tramovi originalne 400 let stare stavbe, 200 let stara vhodna vrata, predelana v hrbtišče postelje, starodavni kovani ročaji za sušenje sadja in živil…
Ali pa zgolj zgodba naše šampanjske sobe, v kateri je prebival Napoleon Bonaparte in z glasnimi pokanjem odpiral mehurčkasto, nam takrat nepoznano vino - šampanjec. Pok – pok – pok je odmevalo iz sobane, vznemirjalo nevedne goste in nam podalo ime, ki njegovo zgodbo nosi v prihodnost. Domačija Pok.
Izberite svojo zgodbo, vsak obisk pri nas je lahko svoje popotovanje skozi čas v novo doživetje.


  • Klimaanlage
  • Bar
  • Konferenz- und Veranstaltungsräume
  • Garten
  • Rauchen nicht erlaubt
  • Parken
  • Haustiere sind nicht gestattet.
  • Restaurant
  • Zimmerservice
  • Internetzugang


  • Klimaanlage
  • Hotelsafe
  • TV
  • Badezimmer
  • Internetzugang
Daten & Personen
AnreiseDaten hinzufügen
Number of rooms: 16
Number of beds: 52
Hotel Identity Number 107122


  • 30 km
  • 500 m
  • 45 km
  • 8,5 km/15min
  • 50 m

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By clicking on "Book a Room" button you will enter on-line reservation process, where you will be able to select and book a room.
This option is available only with 'instant confirmation hotels', your reservation shall be confirmed immediately once you have completed the reservation process: the confirmation letter will be printed out on your screen as soon as you make your reservation successfully.
This option is not available, when there are no rooms available for booking at the very moment of your search.
By clicking on "Send Inquiry" button you will be able to make reservation inquiry to the selected hotel.
Upon your inquiry, the hotel shall be notified about your request / inquiry by e-mail. Your reservation will then be confirmed as soon as the hotel responds to your inquiry. This usually takes less than 24 hours.
This option may not be available with 'instant confirmation hotels', when there are rooms available for booking at the very moment of your search.
On line booking service for the selected hotel is provided through external supplier.

By clicking on "Book a Room" button you will enter on-line reservation process, where you will be able to select and book a room.

Typically, most lodging reservations are made in real time and your confirmation should only take a few seconds. You will be notified of the status of your reservation within 2 to 4 hours.